Dealing With People Who Complain About The Homeless

People who have legitimate complaints about anything will address the parties involved, and will use their communication and problem solving skills to solve their problems.   As the saying goes, a problem solved is no longer a problem.

But I’ve seen many people who complain about the homeless who do nothing to solve the problems they complain about.  To me it is obvious that their motivation for complaining is not so much to solve their problems, but something else.

If the internet has shown us anything, it’s that haters are a real thing.  They hate for the sake of hate, bringing with them all sorts of bias and prejudice towards anyone who is not like themselves. I’m guessing that these are the people who, as children, never learned to share, or had serious problems when they were forced to share.  They never quite learned the lesson of, or even the benefits of, sharing the world with others.

They do, though, understand that  society has deemed hate as a bad thing, and so they go to great lengths  to justify their hate.  This is where their complaining comes in.  If they can convince others that their complaints are legitimate, they will feel that their hate is justified as well.

To combat this hate, you have to bring the truth.  Factual information will be your guns in this battle.   The complaints that people voice against the homeless usually erroneous and full of illogical conjecture.  Aim for these unfactual parts of their complaints and hit them with a barrage of the truth.   Of course, this will require that you to learn as much of the truth as you possibly can about homelessness.  For Example, when people complain that the homeless are lazy, you hit them with facts about how much homeless people work, (50% of all homeless people are employed at least 20 hours a week at legitimate tax paying jobs) and about how much work it takes just to survive being homeless.

When complaints arise concerning the homeless, a good dose of logic and reality will neutralize those complaints.  Offer up logical solutions to the complainer’s issues.  If they continue to press their complaints further, in spite of the solutions you offered, then begin deconstructing the arguments with a healthy dose of factual information.   When he starts a sentence with the worn out phase, “Those homeless people….”, return by asking, “which homeless people?”  Point out the fact that there are many different types of homeless people, and that he is over generalizing, which is a sign of being disengenuous..  Prompting the complainer to delineate the different types of homeless people, will cause him/her to stumble and hesitate, exposing their understanding of homelessness.   When someone complains that a certain crime was committed by a homeless person who has not been caught, ask them for proof that the criminal was indeed homeless.  Of course he won’t be able to and hi complaint will lose its momentum.  Also, for good measure, point out the obvious fact that most people who commit crimes have homes.

Get ready for the complainers before they arrive – anticipate what they will complain about and have ready answers for anything they may bring up.  Research homelessness thoroughly, and know the facts.   At the start of formal debates you may hear the participants greet each other with the salutation, ‘may the best person win.”  This is nothing but platitude.  The people who win debates most often, are the people who are most prepared.

About Kevin Barbieux

I have been diagnosed as being chronically homeless. I write about my experiences and opinions of being homeless